Sunday, July 5, 2009

Experiments in Photography...

My first attempt with movement...wind through the reeds...
I took some photo classes about 10 years ago. It gave me all the basics I needed to know about aperture, depth of field, f stops, etc. All it ended up doing was confusing the heck out of me. I was so wrapped up in the technical knowledge, I lost any desire to do anything creatively.

Last year, I went out and bought a preeeetty new Canon 40D to bring with me on vacation hoping I'd be re-inspired. Not so much - Secretly, I actually hated it from the moment I brought it home. I was frustrated by it and was convinced it was broken. (I was convinced that my film SLR camera was broken after my class, as well). Last week I decided, "what the hey...i'm bringing this bad boy with me on vacation and I'm just going to play with it." Screw the aperture, depth of field, f-stops, ISO, etc and just concentrate on the shot.

Funny thing happened. I re-discovered the soft fuzzy backgrounds (above)...and movement (below)...

Oh yeah. Water movement. Wait...what was the rule for photographing water?? ummm...vague recollections of something...ummm...well, whatever...just keep playing...i'll get it eventually.

Wait...seriously??? BIRDS??? i never get that lucky!!! Of course, I was totally focused on the bushes in FRONT of the fountain. GAAAAR! Oh well...the point is that I acknowledge that I need to be faster but at least I have re-discovered my love of photography!!! Who knew? I know myself well enough to know that I won't just take photos around my neighborhood but hopefully, I can take a day here and there to shoot around! Otherwise, it'll have to happen during my vacations...and who knows when my next one will be!!

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